Project Momentum

Next Generation Knowledge Economy

Project Momentum

Next Generation Knowledge Economy

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Chronicles of 


Chronicles of 


R2S TUTORIALS:  Re-Intro to Electricity


In our preliminary study of the quantification of electronic charge, e, you will have access to a set of guided tutorials for self-study and feedback.

In the keynote presentations (R2S Tutorials), you will find:

  • Focused questions and illustrative solutions with related assignment questions;
  • Sample questions aimed at deep revision and applications of multidisciplinary knowledge bases.

Please be sure to study the notes and examples before tackling the assignment questions.

* Introducing Keynote Live *

In lieu of our efforts and needs to access all course content online, I am using Keynote Live for classes in FALL 2022 semester. In this project, it is being used as a live streaming technology and is our our primary non-projection mode of presentation.

Electricity  Cloud Widgets

Coming soon! 

Reference Widgets powered by the trademark Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica Computational engines for Advanced Level Physics.

Electricity: The Unique Energy of Charges

Starting with the Elementary Charge, e

Electricity  Premier Keynotes

This section hosts dynamic tutorials (including reading and solution works). 

To access, they are (a) viewable Keynote Live (on demand) or (b) downloadable as a pdf document. The urls are:

    Keynote - PDF File                              Due

Legacy Keynotes (new!) 

File 01, in particular, is a final set of notes for this topic in Project Momentum. 

Newsflash!    The Schedules for Physics II and 

Pure Mathematics I & II are here! 

Innovation by G. David Boswell 

under the auspices of BÖ§ZïK Inc.™ EPSE & MSE Syndicates

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