Project Momentum

Next Generation Knowledge Economy

Project Momentum

Next Generation Knowledge Economy

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Chronicles of 


Newsflash!    The Schedules for Physics II and 

Pure Mathematics I & II are here! 


Course Textbooks (Main)

  • Alex Farley & David Glover (2015), Physics for A-Level Exams. Macmillan Education. 
  • Physics for CAPE, Unit 1 - A Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Study Guide. Oxford University Press. (2014 Series Ed.).


Course Textbooks (Main)

  • Alex Farley & David Glover (2015), Physics for A-Level Exams. Macmillan Education. 
  • Physics for CAPE, Unit 2 - A Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Study Guide. Oxford University Press. 2014 Series Ed. 


Course Textbook for Rental (limited)

  • Roger Muncaster (2014). A-Level Physics. Oxford University Press; 4th edition.

Reference Textbook (longterm use!)

  • Tom Duncan (2000). Advanced Physics. (Revised 5th Edition). Hodder Education.
  • Douglas C. Giancoli (2013). Physics: Principles with Applications. Pearson Prentice Hall (7th Edition); 

COURSE OVERVIEW (Ref: Syllabus Publication)

“Science plays a major role in the evolution of knowledge. It empowers us to use creative and independent approaches to problem-solving. It arouses our natural curiosity and enables us to meet diverse and ever expanding challenges. It enhances our ability to inquire, seek answers, research, and interpret data. These skills which lead to the construction of hypotheses, theories and laws that help us to explain natural phenomena and exercise control over our environment. Science is, thus, an integral component of a balanced education.

Physics is generally regarded as the most fundamental scientific discipline and forms the basis of many other sciences including Chemistry and Seismology, and can be applied to Biology and Medicine. The study of Physics is necessary to explain our physical environment. In fact, this is the role of the laws and theories of Physics that influence every aspect of our physical existence.

In particular, whatever conveniences and luxuries we enjoy as citizens of Caribbean nations can either directly or indirectly be traced to these fundamental physical laws, theories, and new technologies. 

Physics plays a role in providing the tools for the sustainable development locally and globally, in particular, the development of environmentally friendly forms of power generation, monitoring, and modeling of our environment.” 



Thanks to our council’s document authors for providing the framework above, which has been marginally modified. 

Please peruse your syllabus for more information!———————————————————


The syllabus is arranged into two (2) Units with each Unit consisting of three Modules.

Unit 1

Mechanics, Waves, Properties of Matter

  • Module 1 - Mechanics
  • Module 2 - Oscillations and Waves
  • Module 3 - Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Matter

Unit 2

Electricity and Magnetism, A.C. Theory and Electronics and Atomic and Nuclear Physics

  • Module 1 - Electricity and Magnetism 
  • Module 2 - A.C. Theory and Electronics 
  • Module 3 - Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Innovation by G. David Boswell 

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