Project Momentum

Next Generation Knowledge Economy

Project Momentum

Next Generation Knowledge Economy

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Cloud Computing via Wolfram Alpha

Powered by the Mathematica Computational Engine, we leverage on the tremendous programming achievements by the engineers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who we acknowledge for Wolfram Alpha. Included are selected Cloud Computing Widgets that you can use to experiment with Complex Numbers operations.

 Simplification of Complex Numbers

This involves axioms of algebra with both purely real and purely  imaginary numbers.

And, at times, computations involve using the “conjugate”. 

Tasks for the Reader:  

  • You would have noticed that a complex multiplied by its conjugate results in a real number. With this in mind, how can the complex conjugate aid division? (Rationalization). Please provide an example.
  • Please feel free to use the Cloud Computing Widgets for initial practice or validation purposes!
2+3i 65i =2 65i +3i 65i                         =1210i+18i15 i 2          NB:   i 2 =1                         = 12+15 + 1810 i                         =27+8i ...
3+4i 34i =916 i 2                         =9+16        Sum of 2 Squares!                         =25 ...

Complex Numbers  Cloud Widgets

Innovation by G. David Boswell 

under the auspices of BÖ§ZïK Inc.™ EPSE & MSE Syndicates

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